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In this post, we I will be discussing a topic that’s on a new important part of life: Travel. I will be showing the urgency that we have for us to be talking about this topic, why is travel important in general for any individual’s progress and flourishment. Then, will be seeing how it is most relevant today to students. This comes as students are the people that have curiosity the most and are open to learning from those travel experiences the most. I will be pointing out some of the generally faced challenges and obstacles that come across most students whenever they start dreaming of crossing their bubble’s borders. After that, I will be throwing out some quick tips for people who feel they need a thread in the dark to start from. Finally, closing with some final thoughts on
As the school years go in students across the world are imaging, planning, balancing budgets and joining other students in traveling around the world. With all the preparations that go into any trip -be it a weekend trip to a local town or an around the world summer trip, planning a trip might not be your best expertise or part of your past lived life. Well, first things first, yes… It’s not that simple! However, that doesn’t mean that it’s too complicated and demanding either. I believe that it takes two things only for a successful trip, patient and detailed planning on one side, flexible and reflective execution.
Why talk about travel?
As simple as this question might sound like, the answer follows along similar fashion. There’s simply no better substitute for getting to know the world with its diverse nations and different places first-hand. Travel is such a life-changing experience for people’s personalities and experiences, political, economic, social, religious and moral beliefs and thoughts, global awareness and human-to-human-level empathy. It is quite important for people to step out of their comfort zone, and experience different new things outside their usual context and surroundings.
For a deeper discussion on the importance of travel, check this article.
Why is it important for students to travel?
Whether it’s a semester abroad with a university, an international internship, voluntourism program, or independent travel, timing is key. Many students have way more control of their education and life experiences than they imagine. The power to decide how and where students want to learn is increasing dramatically with the increased understanding of the importance autonomous planning brings to people’s set of life skills. The difference between people who dream about traveling and people who actually do it is simply the decision.
Students should be looking out for experiential learning scenarios and experiences. The most immersive experiential learning scenarios occur when students are placed in completely foreign environments and are put under a certain type of pressure or exposed to a new culture and lifestyle. One of the best things about travel is, undoubtedly, the friendships and connections one can make with individuals, local communities and people from across the globe.
Travel can be significantly harder than anticipated, but the learning curve is usually fast. Those are some common challenges often faced by students traveling in different contexts, for student travelers.
Having little or no access to one’s usual support system outside their normal sphere, is one of the most common challenges. Living abroad is all good when everything is going on a plan. But at those special moments when you feel that a rug was pulled from under you, one can really feel on their own. The usually available support system. In most cases, people realize that they weren’t previously aware of how important that support system was, until they leave its sphere of influence. This challenge can be easily, however, turned into an adventurous mission of exploration and discovery, building up a new support system takes patience and care, too.
It goes almost with no doubt that wherever one is from, and whatever new context they are going to, it’s very common to feel like an outsider at times, sometimes alone while reflecting back on the day, and others in the middle of local store when one of the customers cracks a joke that just passed you, while everyone else is cracking out loud while staring at you not even realizing that someone had told a joke.
Make some Local Friends.
Making friends along the journey is one of the most enjoyable aspects of traveling. Some of those friends are ones that will be interacted with for very brief moments and others might accompany you along the journey. Most certainly many will stay in your memory forever and might be part of one’s future life in one way or another. Especially when one is traveling with a group. Mixing with the locals has serious advantages when it comes to learning more about the place, its culture, and picking up language skills.
Budget out your whole travel period.
Wrapping up your head around the finances and the gives and takes of your whole trip is fundamental for having a well-paced trip that would not overuse all the available resources before the staying period finishes or resupplying is possible. Emergency money should always be thought about and kept in the plan.
Choose a wise Location as your Destination.
This simply means that the student should have any kind of a desire or curiosity in the targeted location, as it is key for a robust learning curve. The route to the destination is equally important, however, in terms of choice of transportation means, paths, and services.
Create and organize the Itinerary.
This might be a sketch or plan of the day-by-day itinerary of the whole trip to and from the destination before anything is booked. Research of sites and cities one might be interested in exploring should be patiently done, and then the decision can be made on what stays in the itinerary and what gets dropped done.
For more detailed tips, you can check this website.
Closing Thoughts
There are few times in someone’s life when they’ll have few commitments, no rentals, no partner, no kids. Students need to make the most out of every travel opportunity that passes by their sight, to advance their level at a certain desired field, expand their network of connections and learn about others’ cultures and history.
In conclusion, we have discussed the importance of travel in general for any individual, and especially its importance and impact on students. Later on, we previewed some of the common obstacles that tend to come across student travelers’ paths. That was followed by some brief tips that would ease a student’s trip if taken into consideration. Finally, concluding with some final thoughts on the preciousness of utilizing the time when people are at their brightest stages, college days.
9 Reasons why Traveling Is Important in Life
7 Budget Travel Tips for Student Travelers https://theblondeabroad.com/7-budget-travel-tips-for-student-travelers/
The Power of Travel for Student Success
Travel Tips for Students, From a Student