narrative unreliability

This post is centered completely around the ideas expressed in Gregory Currie’s article “Unreliability Refigure: Narrative in Literature and Film”.  While I believe most casual viewers understand and acknowledge the perspective of an internal narrator as sometimes unreliable, I struggle to understand how a viewer could question the perspective of an external perspective of a so called “implied author”.  I understand an internal narrator to be a character or voice from within the text, commenting on the world of the text.  Alternatively, an implied narrator seems less a character or direct voice relaying events and more an overarching perspective of the world granted to us by the artist behind the work. As such, one can see the narrator’s telling of the implied author’s story as subjective and open to interpretation.  What I struggle to understand is how this concept changes anything concerning the way in which we the academic community or we the general public view movie narration?  Is the director’s voice not the implied author of every film in which their is a director?  If so than the narrator, reliable or not represents a figment of the implied author and his very unreliability must be seen as part and parcel of the greater implied authorial voice?

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