Hello 1800 Society!

Hello! I’m Alex, one of the two current Middlebury 1800 Society Student Scholars writing for the Midd:day blog. I wanted to introduce myself so that you have some idea of who I am as you read these posts. Like many Middkids, I am originally from New York City, specifically Brooklyn. I am a pre-med history major and a Junior Feb this year (translate: I will graduate at the end of J-term 2010). I try to do different activities each year, so here’s the run down for 2008: the Student Global AIDS Campaign, Hillel, the Academic Judicial Board, and a talk show with friends on the campus radio. The show is called “The Blooming Onion” and you can tune in to 91.1 FM to hear us on Friday afternoons from 12:30 to 2pm. (Alternatively, you can listen online: http://wrmc.middlebury.edu/) Some friends and I are also trying to start a Story Time project, but it is not yet up and running. We hope to bring students, faculty, and staff together once a week in an informal setting where one person will share a personal story of his or her choosing, which others in the community might now hear otherwise. I’ll keep you posted (pun intended!) on any developments with that.

As for the writing in this blog, I am eager to hear any thoughts/comments/questions you may have. I’ve never “blogged” before. My hope is that you find the entries interesting and even thought-provoking. There is no concrete structure for entries, so I anticipate that they will vary. Sometimes I think these posts sound quite personal, and at times I feel like a reporter writing an article about what is going on at Midd in general.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog, and I hope to hear from you soon!


– Alex