
Biomass Gasification

The College’s new biomass gasification system reduces our fuel oil consumption by 50% and our carbon emissions by 40%. However, we still have to displace the remaining million gallons of #6 fuel oil.  A study done by Environmental Economics students recommends that the college increase its use of biomass as an alternative to liquid biofuels for economic, environmental, and social benefits. A feasibility analysis will be conducted to identify options for the future.

Solar Thermal

The College recently installed two pilot solar thermal systems at a student residence to test their potential for reducing  fuel and electricity use in these buildings.  We will also assess the potential of this technology to heat water for the swimming pool. This technology is a very efficient and cost effective method for heating water, even in a northern climate.


Six months of wind data at Worth Mt. was gathered and analyzed for a senior thesis project. Although there were data limitations, the analysis indicates there may be sufficient wind for a large system. College staff recently met with NRG, a wind monitoring company, to discuss the possibility of putting up an NRG wind measuring system to gather more data to inform decisions about installing a wind tower.


Geothermal heating and cooling – The Winning the Race Together implementation report recommends that we conduct an assessment using a consultant to determine the geothermal potential of the campus and the cost effectiveness of this source of energy.