About Me

Hello! Bonjour! ¡Hola!

My name is Whitney J Miller and I am the Assistant Marketing and Recruitment Manager in INTO George Mason University.  I received my Master of Arts in International Educations Management from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California in 2016, kickstarting my career in international education and marketing and recruiting.




Mytfirst major cultural experience was in high school whenChina
I visited Beijing, China with my high school band. The huge city, loud noises, and smells I was not familiar with was an experience unparalleled at that point in my life. Visiting the high school in the outskirts of Beijing was a life changing experience. Seeing the different education culture in Chinese classrooms and especially, how students interacted differently with their teachers and friends, even though they were my age, gave me a strong interest in comparative international education.


My experience in China, as well as studying in Paris, France for a summer and my other experiences abroad, have shaped my academic and professional interests. After receiving my Bachelor Degree in Percussion Performance from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a minor in French, I began working in Phoenix, AZ as a music teacher at in internationally focused school. My classroom teaching career has always been grounded towards the empowerment of children and passing on my my knowledge of the cultures behind the music I was teaching them. I quickly discovered my passion for creating cross- cultural educational experiences for students, leading the way for a career in international education.


I welcome you to look around my website. Further information concerning my background can be found on my Resume page and samples of my work an be found under Work Samples. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments; you can also connect with me on Linkedin.

Thanks for stopping by!