Launch of the New Monterey Institiute for International Studies Web Site

The new MIIS web site is nearing readiness for its official launch. After consultation with the web team at Middlebury, we are planning the formal launch of the new MIIS website for September 15.

Dozens of people have worked very hard all summer to develop a framework  for the site that reflects our mission and vision for the future.  A special thanks to Kristen Byers, Lynn McDonald, and all the members of the web strategy team who have worked to assemble our core content, and our colleagues at Middlebury who have worked tirelessly to translate White Whale’s designs into working templates.

There will be a  “soft” launch (providing members of the community with access to the unpublished site) on September 1, to allow an opportunity to become familiar with the site and identify any errors, bugs or other issues. Please watch MIIS@work for instructions on connecting to the site on September 1, and for ways that you can add your voice to the site in the future.

A web site is a dynamic, ever-changing network of information and interactions, so don’t expect to see a “finished product” on September 1, or at any time in the future.  In fact, we ask for your participation in ensuring that the web site is never “finished” — but that it is alive with an ever-growing  collection of current and engaging stories.