Author Archives: Bryan Carson

About Bryan Carson

Web Services & Systems Librarian

Using Segue for Electronic Portfolios in Education Studies – Prof. Jonathan Miller-Lane

Technology used: Segue for student electronic portfolios

Reason for using the technology: Several years ago, the state of Vermont decided to approve the use of electronic portfolios to meet the state’s licensure requirements. Since that time, students in Education Studies courses related to teaching have created embryonic electronic portfolios using Segue.  Each portfolio needs to follow a prescribed structure and include categories relating to Teaching Episodes, Teaching over Time, Colleagueship and Advocacy, Self-reflection and Vision.

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Pedagogy & Technology Fair

Library, Harmon Reading Area, Thursday, June 4, 10:30 am – 12:00

From Facebook in a chemistry course to video projects in First-Year Seminars, Middlebury faculty are using technology in a number of creative ways to re-design, enhance and augment their courses.  Join us in the Great Hall at McCardell Bicentennial Hall where a number of faculty will demonstrate their uses of technology and discuss their experiences in an informal setting.  This fair is co-sponsored by the CTLR and LIS.

Holly Allen, Mary Ellen Bertolini, Jeff Byers, Bryan Carson, Alex Chapin, Kyoko Davis, Chris Fastie, Anne Knowles, Marc Lapin, Carrie Macfarlane, Jonathan Miller-Lane, Caitlin Myers, James Morrison, David Rosenberg, Steve Trombulak, Andy Wentik, Helen Young.