Writing Rubrics

Rubrics can be useful in both crafting assignments and in discussing and assessing student work. The writing rubrics below were collaboratively produced by Middlebury College faculty as a result of a Teagle-funded project on college writing (see the White Paper authored by project directors Kathy Skubikowski and Adela Langrock). Although sometimes rubrics are designed specifically for grading, the rubrics below do not neatly line up with the letter grades A, B, C, and are expected to be used more broadly for discussion and assessment as a process.

General Writing Rubric (for writing across the curriculum)

Discipline Specific Rubrics

Art History Rubric

Literature Rubric

Economics Rubric

Film Studies Rubric

Natural Science Rubric

Psychology Rubric

Narrative Nonfiction Rubric

History Rubric

Foreign Language Rubric



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