Category Archives: Class Business

Further thoughts on remix assignment?

Great job on the remix videos today! Every group did something original and effective, exceeding my expectations across the board.

I’d love to offer a continued forum to discuss the assignment, reflect on how such work helps you understand concepts in class in different ways, and any suggestions for future remix assignments. Also, each group should upload a copy to the web, either on MiddMedia or YouTube – the latter might get taken-down, but also might go viral. I plan on writing a post on my own blog about the assignment and want to link to your work, so post the link on this thread.

Welcome to class

Here’s a thread to introduce yourselves – and make sure that you’re properly registered for the site. Login using your Midd ID in the upper right corner of the page, and then reply to this thread with a brief introduction of who you are, and what are you looking forward to in this class.