Tag Archives: School

Ham Dinner, 10/04/08

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Ham Dinner with Dave Sharp & friend Ted Berry


On October 4th Chester Harvey and I went to the Ham Dinner, in Starksboro.  We talked to a bunch of people, including Dennis Casey and Tom the head of the roads crew, but unfortunately we only recorded a short conversation with Dave Sharp, the country representative, and his friend Ted.  They were nice guys, and had some fun stories, but aren’t necessarily part of the town proper.  There was certainly some tension felt in the room towards the fact that the county representative was a ‘liberal.’

            This recording clip is a collection of stories about the school, older schools, and shenanigans with town folks.  I think there are valuable reflections on the school and fitting in.  Otherwise, the three stories are quite nice anecdotes. 


0:00-4:20 Dave Sharpe’s story about kids driving their car into his pond

a responsible adult and messy kids

4:22-5:00 Shaker Mountain School, just how the hippies kind of busted into a very different town

5:30 Who used the school? 

6:06 What was wrong with the Public school- patterns of unrest around the school, for various reasons. Always someone who doesn’t quite fit in, though.

7:13 the Starksboro Cooperative preschool—still going today!

8:54 Paying for Preschool- scholarships and parental work.  Selling firewood, too (no longer)

10:17 Great story about Tom’s part’s Ford Escort car (sitting in the yard) being taken by a kid with a tractor- it had no tires, just gouged out the dirt road like nothing else, dragged along by monster tractor!

11:57 a story with a Starksboro resident- drinker who got Tom to tow a truck crashed by a complete stranger in the middle of the night… unhitched before being paid- dude screeched off…