About Me

schuyler-mediumMy name is Schuyler Horn, and education is my passion.  I grew up in New Hartford, CT where I was surrounded with every opportunity for exploration, and as a result, I am very curious about the world around me.  Whether it is sports, travel, the arts or conversation, I am always willing to take a deep dive into the unknown in hopes of popping back up with a new discovery.

Our world is filled with so many fascinating avenues, I cannot help but try to explore them all.  Do not confuse my constant exploration with wandering, for education is my anchor.  As I acquire knowledge I am constantly applying it to previous experiences;  highlighting connections, acknowledging contrasts and seeking potential for innovation.

It is my belief that sustainable business practices in academic organizations can yield a sustainable academic system for the future.  The world of education as stands right now is unsustainable, and I aim to change this.  It is an exciting time to be involved in the education sector, and I invite you to join me on my journey to make learning in schools, more effective, affordable and accessible for all.

Yours in Learning,

Schuyler Horn