Tag Archives: SADS

Sun’s Out Guns Out

It’s springtime in Vermont which means as soon as the mercury hits 60° I refuse to wear anything other than tanktops. That is not actually true, but it is pretty close to true. A product of dealing  New England weather is that when it is nice out everyone gets super pumped.

Since Spring Break, I have divided my time evenly between reading, eating on the terrace outside of the dinning hall, and throwing a Frisbee as hard possible. Also getting very sunburned most days. In the last few weeks the weather has really taken a turn for the best and as a result everyone is much happier and much less work is getting done. I have had two classes taught outside since last Monday, and this Friday is Midd Mayhem—an all campus picnic on one of our massive grass quad areas known as Battell Beach. According to the email, Midd Mayhem promises to provide a slip and slide, a photobooth and beverages, among others. Also if last year is any indication, they’ll be handing out free tanktops. Sun’s Out Guns Out.