“What’s Next?”

Recently, I’ve been getting the same question seemingly wherever I turn. And it’s not just the same question—many times, it’s the same phrase, and I’ve taken a liking to how it’s worded. Professors, friends, and colleagues have been asking me, “What’s next?”

Although it’s a question that I know is causing some stress for a few of my peers, I like the way it’s phrased. “What’s next,” after all, means that what I did here at Middlebury is connected to what’s ahead. In this regard, Middlebury has done a great job of preparing me for whatever lies ahead.

When I was a first-year, I remember being surprised that the Center for Careers and Internships (CCI) was open to underclassmen. I soon learned about the tremendous resources within the CCI that Middlebury students have at our disposal. Only a couple weeks of college under my belt and, thanks to the CCI, I was able to have a counselor look over my resume and discuss job and internship prospects for the summer. I also remember being thrilled by how one could simply drop into the office without an appointment and there would be staff members on hand. In my many trips to the CCI since my first year, counselors have assisted me with planning a course load, scheduling my time abroad, and evaluating potential work opportunities.

The advantages for Middlebury students don’t end at the CCI’s doorway. A comprehensive network of Middlebury alumni are ready and willing to dispense advice and to help Middlebury students get a foot in the door during the job search. Middlebury alumni will often post opportunities on the online network of Middlebury jobs and internships, MOJO. It was there that I saw an internship opportunity to work for the White House, and I jumped at it. It was an incredible experience that I will always remember, and I owe a ton to Middlebury. After my summer working for the President, I’m always encouraging students to use the CCI and MOJO—you never know what opportunities are out there.

The CCI doesn’t just provide advice and connections, either: they also help fund unpaid internships for students. The CCI distributes approximately $450,000 to several hundred students every spring, and it’s available to all class years (not just sophomores or juniors) to fund an internship or summer project. The funding I received from the CCI my sophomore year was instrumental in helping me cover the costs of living in a city as expensive as Washington, D.C.

I was talking recently about life after Middlebury with several friends who have graduated. Even though they are just a few months or years out of school, they are already doing some incredible things. One is working for a national newspaper on the west coast, another is traveling in Southeast Asia, and a third is teaching.

I’m not sure what’s next for me, currently. I’ve submitted a couple applications to various opportunities but in the meantime, I’m keeping busy with the newspaper and enjoying this last semester of classes!

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