Category Archives: Outlook: New technology and trends

Industrial parks

Koshcheyev, Sergey. “Ravil Muratov: Why dirty Moscow? Why don’t you build here?” (“Ravil Muratov: Zachem zagryaznyat’ Moskvu, luchshe davayte stroit’ u nas”), BiznesOnline, 3 June 2010. 22 July 2010

Article discusses different regions’ systems of industrial parks: Moscow Oblast doesn’t invest a kopek in them, but leaves their construction up to investors; Leningradskaya and Kaluzhskaya Oblasts rent land with infrastructures; and Tatarstan offers ready-to-operate facilities.  This can serve to lessen concerns of entrepreneurs that new niches in markets will disappear before necessary capital is gathered to begin production: this way, the government takes on the obstacles of land registration and re-zoning, often a two-year process.  In Moscow, however, the returns on industrial parks in 2009 reached 5 trillion rubles.  Both the Republic of Tatarstan and Moscow Oblasts have programs for bargain mortgages on residential spaces in these parks.

Changing land into electronic form

Gorelik, Olga. “Changing land into electronic form” (“Zemlyu perevodyat v elektronnii vid”), Ekspert Online, 21 May 2010. 1 July 2010

Information about and maps of land properties and regarding their ownership rights can now be obtained online at the Federal State Registration Services for Registrations, Cadastre, and Cartography (Rosreyester) website at (link shortened). Operating in 12 pilot regions since its start, and 22 since June, the register has received over 20,000 queries, the Ministry of Economic Development (Minekonomrazvitie) created the site at a cost of 20 million rubles with the goal of shortening and simplifying the procedures for obtaining such information.