Industrial parks

Koshcheyev, Sergey. “Ravil Muratov: Why dirty Moscow? Why don’t you build here?” (“Ravil Muratov: Zachem zagryaznyat’ Moskvu, luchshe davayte stroit’ u nas”), BiznesOnline, 3 June 2010. 22 July 2010

Article discusses different regions’ systems of industrial parks: Moscow Oblast doesn’t invest a kopek in them, but leaves their construction up to investors; Leningradskaya and Kaluzhskaya Oblasts rent land with infrastructures; and Tatarstan offers ready-to-operate facilities.  This can serve to lessen concerns of entrepreneurs that new niches in markets will disappear before necessary capital is gathered to begin production: this way, the government takes on the obstacles of land registration and re-zoning, often a two-year process.  In Moscow, however, the returns on industrial parks in 2009 reached 5 trillion rubles.  Both the Republic of Tatarstan and Moscow Oblasts have programs for bargain mortgages on residential spaces in these parks.