Author Archives: Emma McDonald

Introducing Our Privilege & Poverty Team for 2016-2017

from left: Academic Director James Calvin Davis, Internship Director Tiffany Nourse Sargent ’79, CCE P&P Intern Kate Johnson ’18, CCE P&P Intern Taylor Banaszewski ’17, and CCE AmeriCorps VISTA Emma McDonald ’16

This year, Internship Director Tiffany Sargent ’79 and Academic Director James Calvin Davis are joined by three team members: 

  • Emma McDonald ’16 is serving as the AmeriCorps VISTA Poverty Initiatives Coordinator at the Center for Community Engagement, and will help coordinate the Privilege & Poverty Cluster. A 2016 graduate of Middlebury, Emma has taken the Flagship Course and worked with the Center for Community Engagement as a student staff member. She is looking forward to a great year!
  • Kate Johnson ’18 will continue in her role as a Privilege & Poverty CCE student intern. Kate was a 2015 SHECP intern at Tapestri in Atlanta, GA, and looks forward to continuing her involvement in the Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster. 
  • Taylor Banaszewski ’17 served as a 2016 SHECP summer intern at Foundation Communities in Austin, TX. She will work towards completing the Cluster this year and is excited to be part of the P&P team. 

Privilege & Poverty interns present at the 2016 Clifford Symposium

Doug Wilson ’18 presents on his summer internship at the Charter House Coalition in Middlebury.

Toni Cuevas ’18 presents on her summer internship at CodeInteractive in New York City.

Summer 2016 Privilege & Poverty interns participated in a poster session as part of the 2016 Clifford Symposium, the theme of which was “Fully Present: The Art and Science of Mindful Engagement.” Read more about interns’ Clifford presentations here


We celebrated our Privilege & Poverty interns’ presentations afterward with a P&P BBQ at the Center for Community Engagement for faculty, students, and staff involved with P&P.