Tome- a long, heavy scholarly book

THE BIG PICTURE- A book written by theoretical physicist Sean Carroll with the subtitle “On the Life, Meaning and the Universe Itself” which explains the general concept of the book well. The book was published in 2016 and was a New York Times bestseller.



FORCES OF NATURE- A book by Professor Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen in exploration of simple questions about the exploration of earth.



ORIGINS OF CONSCIOUSNESS- This title could either be referring to the famous Origins of Consciousness written by Julian Jaynes to present his idea of Bicameralism or it could be referring to the MIT book The Ancient Origins of Consciousness written by By Todd E. Feinberg and Jon M. Mallatt that attempts to answer questions about when consciousness first appeared on earth.

Thermodynamics– A branch of science concerned with the relationships between different kinds of energy, in particular heat.

Primordial Chemistry- The study of earth before life and the theory of Primordial Soup, the potential state of the earth where all components essential to life were mixed together eventually being able to create life.



PONTIUS PILATE– He was the Roman Emperor under which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified.



APOSTASIA- The Spanish word for Apostasy which means an abandonment of religious beliefs.

Eszetts– A german letter and sound symbolized by the figure ß. The word Eszetts is the combination of pronunciation of the German s and z.

La Casita del Principe– Translated to mean House of the Prince, La Casita del Principe is located in El Escorial, Spain and was built to for Charles Prince of Astoria in the 1770s as a private residence.