Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Madrid – One of the fourteen Metropolitan Archbishoprics. Currently, it is Carlos Osoro Sierra.




Madrid Royal Palace – Originally built in 1734 it was reconstructed in 1755 following a fire.

The Spanish Royal Family’s official residence in Madrid but now it is only used for state ceremonies.





Alfonso VI seized Madrid back from the Muslims in 1083 









Virgin of Almudena serves as a patroness of Madrid, Spain.

The name comes from the Arabic words, Al Mudayna, or the citadel. There are various legends regarding the icon. One story is that in 712, prior to the capture of the town by the advancing Muslim forces, the inhabitants of the town secreted the image of the virgin, for its own protection, inside the walls surrounding the town. In the 11th century, when Alfonso VI took back Madrid, the Christian soldiers hunted for the statue. After days of prayer, the spot on the wall hiding the icon crumbled, revealing the Virgin of Almudena.







Acolyte a person, normally child, who helps in a religious service







Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter

Vestry is a room or building attached to a church, used as an office and for changing into vestments.

Pipe Organ is a musical instrument that produces sound by driving pressurized air through organ pipes selected via a keyboard, similar to a piano









Chasuble a sleeveless outer vestlike shirt worn by priests when celebrating Mass





Crozier staff is a stylized cane carried by high-ranking clergyman