Week Two


Week 2 Presentation

PSCI0202-f19-Week-2-Days-1 and 2


  1. What precipitated/motivated the scramble for Africa?
  2. How was Africa partitioned? (Berlin Conference 1884-85)
  3. How did the partition of Africa evolve, and why? (1914-1945)?


  1. What is colonization, and what does it entail?
  2. Modes of colonial rule (Direct Rule, Indirect Rule, Mixed)
  3. Impact
  4. Beneficiaries of colonization

REFRAME/REPACKAGE KNOWLEDGE: Motivation/s; Means; Impact

Video excerpt shown in class: Taking Root: the Vision of Wangari Maathai [14:28 to 20:49]

Week 2 Discussion Questions

1. How does Hochschild’s account complement what you learned in lecture about colonizing Africa?

2. What is your personal reaction to the argument that colonization “did some good” to Africa?

3. Clearly, Césaire’s discourse is quite different from Hochschild’s account of colonialism. What did you learn from Césaire that you did not think about while reading Hochschild?

4. How could Césaire’s discourse, or what parts of it, could have contributed to pro-independence movement throughout Africa?