Week 9 Day 1 Discussion Question 1

In this course, we have talked a lot about misogyny and we have occasionally (as in the case of radical feminist thought) encounter the term patriarchy.  In their introduction to the Crunk Feminist Collection, Brittney C. Cooper, Susana M. Morris, and Robin M. Boylorn write:

Patriarchy is invested in the normalization of masculinity in all of its manifestations (including rape culture and violence) and the silence and invisibility of women, especially women of color.  The patriarchy tells us that women should stay in their place and not challenge authority,  The patriarchy wants us to be misguided and misinformed.  Our essays pm gender demonstrate resistance and refusal to comply with traditional, irrational, and patriarchal bullshit.  Fuck the patriarchy!  (12)

What does “the patriarchy” mean to you?  In your view, is its use theoretically defensible?  Why or why not?

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