Resources for Getting International Jobs/Internships

When I learned I had to write a cover letter and a C.V. before I go abroad to Chile, I was unsettled. I asked myself,

“What do I include? How do I write a cover letter? How is a CV different from a resume?

Wait… how do you say intern in Spanish?”

Then I realized that we have plenty of resources here at the Career Services to help me (and you) out!

We have Going Global, which you can find from your MOJO homepage ( Going Global also publishes a country career guide which we have in the office. For 23 different countries, it has Cultural Advice and Interview Tips as well as CV samples.

We also have The Global Resume and CV Guide, which has information on 4o different countries including job sources, interviewing help and more!

One other book in our library is called The Big Guide to Living and Working Overseas, and trust me, it is big. It contains loads of resources, resume samples and more with sections focused on specific industries such as Health Careers or Public International Law.

So, stop on by the Careers Services Office and explore our library.

And if you have questions, we want to help you find the answers.

We have drop-in hours every weekday from 2-5 and we would love to work with you on your resumes, cover letters, interview skills, job search skills and more!

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