
Welcome to the Middlebury Careers in the Common Good (CCG) blog! We will use this portal in lieu of our regular newsletter to communicate with CCGers about career resources, jobs, and internships. If you haven’t done it already, be sure to create a profile on MOJO and select “Careers in the Common Good” as a special interest area. This will ensure that you are always alerted to Midd-friendly jobs and internship opportunities, and can follow the CSO events calendar.

Points of Interest:
The left hand side bar features links to websites and resources salient to Careers in the Common Good. Use these to further expand your job and internship search, as well as learn about the CCG sector.

Use categories to ease site navigation. The categories will indicate the type of post and the general field it is associated with. For example, all job postings will be in the “Jobs” category, and if that job is in the Environmental sector, it will also be in the “Environmental” category.

– The tags indicate specific interest areas, companies, and other details.

Feel free to leave a comment on the blog with questions, suggestions, or feedback.

Drop-In Hours at CSO are Monday – Friday 2:00 – 5:00 PM and Wednesdays 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

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