Canvas Adoption Proposal

Below is the official proposal for the adoption of Canvas, crafted and submitted by the Curricular Technology Team. Many faculty, students and staff contributed to the pilot that informed the proposal, we sincerely appreciate everyone’s efforts. There are a couple of notes around the proposal: The proposal assumes that the Canvas budget request will still…

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The SpeedGrader

The SpeedGrader in Canvas allows an instructor to provide feedback to a student for assignments, quizzes and discussion posts without leaving a browser. Feedback can be given in the form of annotations, attachements or in-browser recorded audio. There ……Continue Reading The SpeedGrader


Canvas has a simple and helpful tool for creating a course site: a Checklist. This is a step-by-step guide to help faculty build their sites without having to remember every step they took in previous semesters. Start at the top with importing content,……Continue Reading Checklist