Updated LIS Focus Document (draft)

At a recent retreat, the AD Team reviewed and updated the LIS Current Focus document. The current version of the document can be found at http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/technology/lis/about/priorities , while the draft of the updated version can be found at http://docs.google.com/View?id=dhb56n4x_221g6bb7sft . Before we finalize this, we thought it would be useful to collect comments, questions, and […]…Continue Reading Updated LIS Focus Document (draft)

Agenda for 20 May Manager’s Meeting

1. Discuss assessment pilot projects (see https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AYZPHKugPdOiZGNzdDV0aDNfMjVnNnpma2ZmMg&hl=en )
2. Discuss annual planning calendar (see http://sites.middlebury.edu/lis/2010/05/19/annual-planning-calendar/ )
3. Brainstorm ideas for how to orient new staff members to LIS (we’ll post the list of ideas to the blog after the meeting)…Continue Reading Agenda for 20 May Manager’s Meeting