Banner Images and Content Creation

Pam Fogg has created a selection of background images to be used on department homepages, these images are available at – \\middfiles\orgs\WebMakeover\EVERYONE\Banner_Images Please make your selection, then contact her with your choice of image via email ( ) so that your banner can be created. There have been some questions around content, Creating Content […]…Continue Reading Banner Images and Content Creation

Content Guide, Check-in Reminder, Usability

A PRESENT FROM WHITE WHALE During the WorkSessions, we have heard questions like “What should go in a sidebar?” and “Is this something that should go in the Carousel?” To help us answer these questions, White Whale has provided us with a content guide, and they have turned it into a VISUAL.  Attached is a […]…Continue Reading Content Guide, Check-in Reminder, Usability

Designs for Academic Departments and Faculty Profiles

Per Mike’s last post on the “glass wall” phase of feedback, we are offering links to design mock-ups for three academic departments and a faculty profile. A few notes on these: These designs are not supposed to mirror actual content or the specific links and menu items that a department might use. White Whale did […]…Continue Reading Designs for Academic Departments and Faculty Profiles