Summer Undergraduate Clean Energy Advocacy Internships at Vermont Law School

The Institute for Energy and the Environment at Vermont Law School is again offering 2-3 summer internships for students in environmental studies and sciences who have at least completed their sophomore year by the start of the internship.  Our Clean Energy Advocacy Internships offer a chance for 2-3 students interested in future careers in clean […]…Continue Reading Summer Undergraduate Clean Energy Advocacy Internships at Vermont Law School

NRDC, Posse Foundation, Breakthrough Collaborative, VT Public Radio, Amazon Studios. Earthworm Advisors. 1 Panel. 7 Alumni.

On Thursday, March 14, seven Middlebury grads who majored in ENAM will return to campus for the English and American Literatures Field Guide. Program: Register here for the: Career Panel and Dinner (Thursday, March 14 at 5:30pm in Atwater Dining) Register here to talk: One-on-One Career Conversations (Friday, March 15 9:30am-noon at the CCI) Find out […]…Continue Reading NRDC, Posse Foundation, Breakthrough Collaborative, VT Public Radio, Amazon Studios. Earthworm Advisors. 1 Panel. 7 Alumni.