
meta is beta. This is an open discourse on middconfessional and “confessionals” in general.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I think that Middlebury Confessional is an outlet for students interested in the ways that their identity is relfected as a public persona within the larger community. At Middlebury, we are defined not by who we are but by what we do, participate in, and consume. Jenny is not Jenny. Jenny is that girl who 1) plays soccer 2) lives in Ross 3) eats in Proctor 4) used to hook up with John 5) wears those ugly moon boots. The obsession with Middlebury Confessional is really just an obsession with the ways in which one is perceived by the community at large.

  2. The confessional is also driven by its power to allow for the expression of deviance. This deviance is not necessarily a function of “an obsession with the ways in which one is perceived by the community at large.” It’s more of an obsession with altering the normative discourse of the community. Rather than a place to toss around one’s various identities to see which one resonates within the community, M.C. is being used as a place to question our community’s standards.

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