ArgentinaWelcome. I am pursuing a Master’s degree in International Education Management at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey. I have always found other languages and cultures fascinating so when I had the chance, I studied languages. I pursued my love of languages and experiencing new cultures when I studied abroad for a year in Argentina. That was a year of firsts for me. My first time in a plane, in another country and many others. As a result of this experience I decided to study Spanish for Translation at Andrews University in Michigan and graduated last May. My experience in Argentina really opened my eyes to the world that surrounds me. I suddenly found different languages and cultures to not only be fascinating but I developed an appreciation and respect for the country I was living in, the language I was speaking, the culture I was enjoying and the people I was meeting. So in May just after graduation I participated in a study tour that took me to Europe, where I was able to enjoy more culture. Something I have discovered, is that every time I travel I learn something new, not just about the place I am visiting, but also about myself and my own culture.