1. The LIS Curricular Technology Team would like to speak with us about the decommissioning of Segue. Here are some tentative topics supplied by Alex Chapin:
    -update on the sunsetting of Segue
    -tentative plans for finding one or more replacements for Segue (focus groups, surveys and usage analysis)
    -invitation to join focus groups

  2. For the purpose of reaccreditation, the College must have a program in place that educates all students in the use of research and technology resources. LIS plans to develop a proposal for such a program, and we’ll need faculty input. Our proposal should be finished sometime in May, so the next meeting of the Sciences Advisory Group will be in May, and this proposal will be on the agenda.

    We will submit a list of proposed competencies to science faculty advisory members about a week in advance of the meeting. Our meeting will have to be roughly one week before FLAC (Faculty Library Advisory Committee) meets.

  3. Bob Cluss would like us to discuss how changing use patterns have influenced the configuration of library space

  4. How can faculty and students get high-res color PDFs of articles we don’t own quickly? ILL is an option but it’s not always fast enough. How about departmental credit cards? Other options?

    Should Armstrong Library have its own Faculty Authors Collection? Or should science books by Midd faculty be housed in the Faculty Authors Collection at the Davis Family Library? All faculty books should be findable via MIDCAT (see Middlebury Faculty Authors – Finding in MIDCAT)

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