Meeting Notes 7/15

Meeting Notes 7/15 (The security certificate for the LIS Wiki has expired; HD is working on getting it renewed – will add meeting notes to wiki later)
Present: Liz, Barbara, Jim, Carrie, Doreen (time-keeper), Elin (notes)
The Donut Angel visited our meeting today (thanks, Liz!)

Announcements etc.
Wiki Edit Summary Notes – Elin requested that as a courtesy to each other we use the summary field when editing wiki pages – if edits can easily be summarized. It helps to know at a quick glance what has been edited when alerted to changes
Meeting Notes – clarified alpha order of taking meeting notes – Elin took notes today – Liz is next – our first alpha cycle is nearly complete, thanks to Jess – who has done double duty.

Rotate meeting moderation?
Liz asked the group if we could share responsibility for meeting moderation. We decided that team members would moderate specific agenda items.

Finalize survey – reviewed all Q’s and our experiences taking the survey.
Time to take survey varied from 5 min to 15 min – depending on familiarity with survey Q’s
Barbara will tweak a few settings, and adjust a few formats
Then Liz will test the survey with a few Voter colleagues
Barbara – can you let us know when the edits are complete – maybe the team could take the survey again?
Lots of discussion about Q 6; did not want to edit this Q without feedback from Ian and the results of the Voter test
We will finalize the survey and re-evaluate Q6 tomorrow with the goal of sending the survey out on Monday 7/20
We will send the survey out using the master url option and add ability to provide name to survey, giving LIS staff the option to be anon
Do we want to send out to LIS student summer employees?

Tomorrow’s Agenda:
Finalize survey (15 min – Barbara and Liz)
Timeline (30 min – Carrie) (if possible – please review timeline section and timeline discussion on wiki prior to the meeting)
Notes: Liz

5 thoughts on “Meeting Notes 7/15

  1. Ian McBride

    Why do the anonymous survey? What in the survey would people feel unforfortable responding to with their name?

  2. Elizabeth Whitaker-Freitas

    Basically that they didn’t know something. We felt that people might hold back on certain questions and or comments. This actually came up with one of the people who tool the survey in my trial run.

  3. James Beauchemin

    I think the question is: why do we need to capture who responded? Are we planning to trend the information/feedback? If not I do not see a need to ask people to authenticate into the survey.

  4. Ian McBride

    Capturing name would allow us to trend the survey results to see if there are differences in how certain workgroups, areas, or locations within LIS use the website. This is especially important if you are going to include student workers in your survey analysis, or we will not be able to distinguish the results of someone who’s been in the organization for 20+ years from someone who’s a first year student and part time worker for the last several months.

  5. Barbara

    I have made another copy of the survey – optimistically named “final”. I have added a question about how long you’ve worked for LIS. Given there aren’t that many of us, a person having worked 5 years in a particular work group isn’t really anonymous, but I think there are some people who just prefer not to have their name attached.
    (Also added a comments question near the end and more text to the intro, as proposed by Elin. )
    Other question adjustments will be addressed at the meeting, I’m sure!


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