

Hi! My name is Khatab Cissokho. I am a Senegalese-American with a Master’s degree (’17) from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS), where I majored in International Education Management (IEM).
The reason I applied to study at MIIS came from the invitation to attend the commencement graduation of two good friends, Thierno M. Diallo from Guinea and Abdel K. Seck (who is my compatriot). Witnessing this grand occasion and discussing with them about their experiences and accomplishments at MIIS, I was impressed by the prestige and caliber of the institution. As a life-long learner and living with the burning desire to “be the solution” (or an agent of social change) to the daunting challenges facing our societies, I immediately recognized that studying at MIIS will enable me to acquire the skills needed for building a better society and a better world with the IEM program fitting into the career path I would like to specialize in.
I am doing my practicum at the Middlebury college/ Study Abroad in Cameroon, Yaoundé in Central Africa from August 27th to December 21st 2017 ( Fall semester) to advise American students while in study abroad. I also work with the academic departments to expand their programs and help students to improve their French fluency and their academics while in Cameroon.


Please feel free to contact me at:

Kcissokho@miis.edu or



Telephone: 510 467 9512