
In page xiv, the last page of the “Translator’s Note and Foreword,” FXC explains that there has never been a translator’s foreword or footnotes in any of Straka’s novels. Straka did not wish to have anyone else’s words besides his to be in his novels, yet FXC believes it is acceptable for her to integrate her comments into Ship of Theseus. She believes, “he understood that my allegiance to him was and is unwavering, from first to last.” (xiv). finishing the foreword with expressing her never ending loyalty to him, which sounds somewhat like love or obsession.

Photo by Flickr user, rekre89, titled Projekt 52 - Woche - Book Love

Photo by Flickr user, rekre89, titled Projekt 52 – Woche – Book Love. https://www.flickr.com/photos/missturner/2434425394.

FXC also makes an odd statement that while she does not know Straka personally, she has risked her life by working with him. Eric is dumbfounded by FXC’s intentions, asking himself, “Why put up with all of this?” (xiv). On this page, Jen and Eric toss around ideas that explain FXC’s objectives; while Jen believes it may be due to love, Eric suggests it is a“simpler explanation: It’s just an homage to his writing.” (xiv).

Cracking the Code
One interpretation of FXC’s intentions that Jen and Eric explore divulges the possibility that there are codes that FXC incorporates into the footnotes as a way of communicating to Straka. FXC even explicitly states, “if these words of mine were, somehow, to reach Straka, he would understand my motivations and find them sound and sincere.” (xiv). which hints at the possibility that Straka still may be alive when the novel was published. Nonetheless, on this page, Jen and Eric become cognizant of codes hidden throughout the footnotes in the novel, which becomes a crucial part of discovering who Straka and FXC were.

Photo by coolplayrs on Deviant Art through Creative Commons. http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/collections/190347037?view_mode=2.

Photo by coolplayrs on Deviant Art through Creative Commons. http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/collections/190347037?view_mode=2.

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