p. 402

The map is quite rudimentary, showing a few mountains and rough borders. It shows that Vévoda’s estate is in France, at the foothill of the Pyrenees. S. asks Sola how she got this map. Sola says that a woman risked her life to draw this map. Vévoda has mistreated many people for a long time, and whoever drew the map was desperate to stop Vévoda’s tyranny. “One person’s audacity: the only prerequisite for resistance.”


Eric notes that the map of Vévoda’s château was not in the original manuscript.

Jen suggests that FXC drew the map. Perhaps she meant it to be a map to Bouchard’s estate. Jen calls FXC her idol. Jen clearly admires FXC as a strong, rebellious woman.

Eric writes that he asked FXC about the map when he was in Brazil. FXC was not sure that the map was correct, but she was certainly very proud of it.

Jen notes that satellite imaging shows that there isn’t anything in that area currently.

Eric responds that places can be hidden from satellite imaging. Perhaps someone does not want the world to know what goes on at the Bouchards’ old estate.

Jen recommends the they visit the area themselves. She writes that it is not too far away, less than a day by train. Clearly, this note is written far in the future. It seems that Eric and Jen are in France, or at least that they are in Europe and are fairly close to where the Bouchard estate might be.

Eric writes that city cops visited him at his apartment. They probably found him because of his car registration. Eric told the cops that they can’t come in without a warrant.

Jen writes that if the cops found Eric, then the “Suit Guys” can too. It is unclear who the “Suit Guys” are, but Jen is afraid that they have been following her around. Perhaps they belong to the New S.

Eric responds that if they mysterious men haven’t done anything yet then they are going to do anything.

Jen suggests that they might be waiting for Jen and Eric to find something.