p. 389

The image on this page gives the impression of a teenage boy holding hands with his crush for the first time. There is a sense of awe as S. walks into the room he has been led. The room itself is rather featureless, “the only detail about [it] that matters, though, is that Sola is in it.” As she holds his hand S describes the reality of the situation. He can’t believe “she is in focus and vivid, warm-blooded and breathing, undeniably real.” He can’t help but focus on the fact that their hands are touching. Analyzing her every feature, S. realizes she has aged since their last meeting and his perception of time is once more called into question.

This is the first time S. has been face-to-face with Sola since the beginning of the novel. She is there in the flesh; the woman S. has yearned for and thought about for years (even decades) is standing just before him. The reunion of S. and Sola marks the beginning of their adventure together as S. tries one last time to defeat Vévoda.