p. 263

In the valise S. received, there are pages detailing the various poisons he also received.

Fulva mundi: yellow world

Argentum implet faucibus: silver fills the throat

Sanguinem ulcera: blood boils

Avis veritatis: avis truth

Sagittarius servum : Sagittarius servant

All translations from Google Translate

In a footnote, FXC references the Prix Bouchard/monkey incident which is entirely ficitcious but more can be read about it here.


In addition to the poisons, there are many pages of notes in some sort of code. In a footnote, FXC includes some of the code but Jen believes it is a code from FXC to Straka. She discovers that it’s a “running code” and it actually means “Sum losing hope. Please get in touch.” Which is clearly a reference to Summersby, a possible Straka candidate. The question is whether FXC believes him to be a Straka candidate or whether she was trying to reach him for some other reason.