p. 246

S. says the bag he got reminds him of Stenfalk’s valise that he left by the cave entrance. Explosions and planes start shattering the calm around outside. S. finds out the sailor with whom Samar was rumored to love was named Sobreiro. Suddenly S. starts chasing the Archer’s Tale as it’s the only concrete detail he can associate with Sola.

FXC left a mysterious bag for Straka in Grand Central and encoded a message in the footnotes of the novel.

FXC left a mysterious bag for Straka in Grand Central and encoded a message in the footnotes of the novel.

Jen proposes that the Grand Central bag could have had the Archer’s Tale inside of it. Jen says that FXC was holding the archer’s tales for Straka, but didn’t “know what it was.” Eric says “she knew it was important.”

Perhaps The Archer’s Tale was to FXC and Straka as Ship of Theseus is to Jen and Eric — book that they read together and remains as a symbol of their love.