p. 221

S. tries to ask about the orlop but the whittler gives no response. As they row in the dark, S. looks out to the city beyond. Imagining a brightly lit large city, S. only sees the large city with dim lights.

The rowboat glides forward as a modest wave passes by. “ I enjoyed that.” S. speaks aloud, stating that the feeling reminded him of being human and so insignificant as to be utterly free. He enjoyed being guided by Nature – freeing him from all the unpleasantness.

In the margins, Jen talks about Ilsa failing her on a paper due to lateness that Ilsa said she wouldn’t take points off for but she did. Jen is really frustrated by failing this paper and class which would cause her not able to graduate. The professor sides with Ilsa and says Jen should have thought about the consequences. Eric tries to calm Jen down by telling her to relax and breathe.