p. 101



S. encounters the Detectives and purposefully avoids them. He searches for Sola, his apparent muse. The men are referred to as “the man in the boiler suit,” “the man in the overcoat,” and the man in the duster.” Remember that in the first chapter, the narrator refers to S. as “the man in the overcoat.” This connection presents S. as his own enemy.

Jen says that she thinks this would make a great movie scene, and asks if anyone ever tried to make a SOT movie.

Eric responds that “after what happened w/ Santana March, Hollywood kept its distance. Benno Fontana (the producer) talks about it in his memoir.”

There is a fountain in called the St. Benno Fountain (in Italian, Fontana di San Benno), which depicts the saint Benno holding a fish.