p. 434

S. comes up with a new idea as Sola, with silence, questions if this is a good plan and reminds that it isn’t a time for doubt and trivialities. S. still goes with his new idea and Sola acknowledges.

He gets the vial, Avis veritatis (“bird truth” in latin), from his valise and prepares to use it for the evening. The vial is revealed later on to be some sort of truth serum. S. mixes it into a glass of black wine and serves it to Edvar VI.

In pencil notes, Eric mentions that the point of view shifts from S. to Edvar VI and questions if there is a significance.

Then Jen and Eric discuss about Desjardins’ wife dying and assuming Desjardins found out who her wife really was cause her wife didn’t wanted someone to know.

Also, Jen and Eric make the comment of how the words can stay the same but the meaning can change due to the reader changing.