I am a member of the Middlebury College faculty in the Department of Economics and the Program in Environmental Studies.
Spring 2023 Office Hours: Monday, 4:00 – 5:30 and Thursday, 10:00 – 12:00 (using Calendly) and by appointment in Warner 016
My courses in Spring 2023 are ‘Special Topics in Environmental Economics‘ and ‘Introductory Microeconomics.’ In recent years I have also taught ‘Environmental Policy,‘ ‘Fighting for Justice,’ ‘Love in Action, and ‘Community Engaged Practicum.’ MiddCORE, ‘Social Entrepreneurship in the Liberal Arts,‘ and ‘Social Entrepreneurship and Social Justice.”
My most recent publication (Summer 2020) is “Open-Source Learning for 2020 and Beyond” in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. My ResearchGate can be found here.
In 2016-17, while on leave from Middlebury, I was a Fulbright Scholar at Ashesi University College . Over the last several years, I have given keynote and invited talks on social change and education at the American Economics Association meetings (2020), Mt. Holyoke College (2019), the Ashoka U Exchange (2018), Groton School (2018), Green Mountain College (2017), the United States Embassy in Ghana (2017), and Westmont College (2016), among other venues. I am also a moderator for the Opportunity Collaboration, a facilitator for Maine Campus Compact, and an instructor for Pioneer Research.https://pioneeracademics.com/
With Liz Robinson and Heather Neuwirth, I co-founded Middlebury’s Center for Social Entrepreneurship in 2012, serving as its co-director and director from 2012 to 2016. (As of July 1 2016, the CSE became the Center for Creativity, Innovation, and Social Entrepreneurship.)