Participation & Attendence


Much of the success of this seminar turns on students’ discussion of the assigned readings. This is not merely because the course is designed as a seminar and, as such, requires the active  participation of all of its members. It is also because international organization is inherently a discursive phenomenon. (Even those who have most strongly believed that power alone determines the organization of the international system have recognized the power derived from constructing persuasive arguments!) As such, informed, vigorous analysis of the readings comprises a significant portion of the course requirements. Arriving on-time, prepared to discuss the readings is a necessary (but not sufficient) component of such participation.

I recognize that some students hesitate to speak up during discussions; and I acknowledge that contributions to public discussion do not always need to be submitted orally. Those students who wish to take this course but who prefer not to speak in class will have the option—after consulting with me—to complete written discussion papers with which to earn good marks for their “participation” grade. These papers (300 words each) must be submitted to me at least 24 hours prior to the discussion. (I might then forward these analyzes to the entire discussion group.) Just as with oral discussion comments, summary should only be used in the service of critical analysis and argumentation. Students pursuing this option are still expected to attend every discussion.

Online Discussion Posts

Students are required to make at least one post (of at least 75 words) to the online course discussion in each of the three following course segments:

  • Unit 1 (8 Sept – 1 Oct)
  • Units 2 (6 Oct – 3 Nov)
  • Units 3 (5 Nov – 1 Dec)


Students are required to attend all seminar meetings. Sign-in sheets will be distributed at the beginning of each class. Students are responsible for remembering to sign-in on the sheets. While I encourage students to take as much advantage as possible of Middlebury’s extracurricular activities, students are reminded that they are here as students first and athletes, activists, artists, &c., second.

Attendance is naturally a prerequisite of participation. I believe strongly in the power of discussion as a pedagogical vehicle; and students should know that I think a considerable amount of independent work would be required to compensate for missed discussions. As a result, those who are considering missing a discussion section are encouraged to consult with me about suitable makeup work before they do so. Those who fall victim to debilitating illness must contact me as soon as they are able so that we might arrange suitable substitute work.

Cocurricular Events

Students are required to attend two of the three following talks: Jeffrey Williamson on 28 September; Dani Rodrik  on 8 October; and Peter Andreas on 9 October. Details for the Williamson and Rodrik talks are available here. Students who cannot attend at least two, should contact me about arranging suitable make-up work. (Please note: the Jeffrey Williamson talk falls on Yom Kippur. Please contact me right away if you cannot attend because you will be observing that holiday.)