Justice Begins With Seeds conference attendees talk about why they honor seed and soil, and offer prayers and songs to pachamama at a seed exchange.
Hear why some attendees honor seeds. [middmedia JBRADISH jbradish JBS-Seeds%20Mix.mp3 width:400 height:300]
Listen to songs and prayers for pachamama from attendees. [middmedia JBRADISH jbradish JBS-Seeds%20Songs%202.mp3 width:400 height:300]
Astrid Lindo from the LIving Seed Company and the Everything is Medicine Team of Olivia Chumacero, Meredith Hackleman, Joy Anderson and Sarah Dougherty gave away seeds and taught participants how to connect with seed and soil using theater, dialogue, and by creating sacred relationships.
For more information about the conference see San Francisco Justice Conference Plants A Seed.