
Much of the success of this course will turn on students’ discussion of the assigned readings. As such, informed, vigorous analysis of the readings comprises a significant portion of the course requirements. Arriving on time, prepared to discuss the readings is a necessary (but not sufficient) component of such participation.

I recognize that some students hesitate to speak up during discussions; and I acknowledge that contributions to public discussion do not always need to be submitted orally. Those students who wish to take this course but who prefer not to speak in class will have the option—after consulting with me—to complete written discussion papers with which to earn good marks for their “participation” grade. These papers (300 words each) must be submitted to me at least 24 hours prior to the discussion. (I might then forward these analyzes to the entire discussion group.) Just as with oral discussion comments, summary should only be used in the service of critical analysis and argumentation. Students pursuing this option are still expected to attend every discussion.