Walking the walk…

Nationaal Archief / Spaarnestad Photo / Wiel van der Randen, SFA001001739.

Part of my teaching philosophy has always been that I don’t ask students to do something with technology that I haven’t tried myself. It has more to do with my comfort with teaching a piece of technology than a belief that all teachers should do the same. Everyone’s practice is their own, but for me I need to do it myself. So as I’ve been working with a variety of students on developing their eportfolios using WordPress, I’ve been working on my own.

I should publish it. I know I should, but it’s scary. I comfort myself with the thought that very few will actually “find” me out there in the vast web-o-sphere. Every time I work on this thing I’m reminded of how significant the idea of vulnerability is to anything that anyone puts on the web. Most items quietly nestle into their own silent spot, while others start in that little silent spot and then tumble into a viral whirlwind just by some odd combination of coincidences.

I’m wondering if I’m brave enough today to publish and I don’t think this coffee is strong enough. One day my permissions will change and months (perhaps years) down the road some poor soul will trip onto this and think “man – you think too much”. I do.

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