Interrogating Citizenship

April 2

7:30 pm

Dr. Saskia Sassen.  “Deconstructing Citizenships: Expanding Rights or Impeding Freedoms?”

April 3

9:30-11:30 AM

The Other Among “Us:” Gendering Diaspora and Citizenshi

Kamakshi Murti (German, Middlebury College), “To Veil or not to Veil? Shakespeare’s Dane misspeaks!”

Martin Manalansan (Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Emotional Regimes, Care Labor and Citizenship in the Filipino Queer Diaspora”

Anore Horton (History, University of Vermont),“Second-Class Nationalism vs. Second-Class Citizenship: Puerto Rican Women’s Status within the U.S. Cold War Empire”

1:30-3:30 pm

Invisible Exclusions? Citizenship and the Everyday

Ritty Lukose (Anthropology, New York University), “Anthropologizing Citizenship: The ‘Everyday’ as a Standpoint of Critique”

Rebecca Tiger (Sociology, Middlebury College), “Just Say No: Criminalized Exclusion and Marginalized Citizenship in the U.S.”

Felicia Kornbluh (History, University of Vermont)“A Right to Welfare? Post-World War Two U.S. Social Movements and Citizenship Claims for Economic Justice”

4:00-5:30 PM:

Citizen/Soldier: The Violence of Citizenship

Holly Allen (American Studies, Middlebury College), “Sex, Citizenship, and the U.S. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq”

Deb Cowen (Geography, University of Toronto),  “The Security of the Barracks’: Welfare, Warfare and the Soldier Citizen”


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