Job Opportunity

Help Wanted – Photo Slideshow

Project Summary: When I became aware that the 154 year old brick train depot in New Haven Junction had to be removed or destroyed in 2021, I realized that this event had tremendous historical importance to the town of New Haven, the county of Addison and the State of Vermont. It was, after all, a […]

Job Opportunity

Help Wanted – Editor

Name:Colleen Todd Message:We have recently recorded the first episode of our new music series here in Ripton, VT.We are looking for someone With film editing experience that also loves music and has an artist vision. If interested, this can turn into filming the upcoming episodes within series as well as the editing. Please email me […]

Job Opportunity

Reimagine Addison County seeking Video and Digital Media Production Tech – Fall 2021 position with stipend

As difficult as it continues to be, the pandemic has led us to generate some innovative ways of meeting challenges in our communities, among service providers, businesses, educators and many others. If we were to step back and scan those adaptations, we may well see promising ways of helping to build a stronger, healthier community as we […]