Category Archives: Katrina

The End of Nature, FEMA Trailers, and Bed Bugs

There’s an uncanny relationship between climate change and man’s infringement on nature, the national bed bug plague , and what is likely to be the metaphor of our times, FEMA trailers…more

Before correcting papers, today, and after falling off a horse, I set out and tried to put together some of the material we’ve read in the course with the Clifford Symposium. I asked myself, “what does global health mean to me?”  And, “what are some relationships between class and the environment and global health. If you select “more,” you see what I’m thinking — and what we’ll discuss Tuesday.

Katrina Victims Revisited

Since we’re at the anniversary and several of you have experience in NO, this photo essay is quite interesting and, of course, totally relevant to our class, given that we begin with Katrina early on.

Hurricane Katrina Victims Revisited

It’s worth following this up with Children of the Storm.

What do you think?  When examining these images, what are you thinking about?  Have any of you guys who have experience in NO anything to add to this?
On Sept 21 we read “Mirror on America” and “Leaving the Trailer.”  How do these pieces contribute to the images, above?