Viruses of the Deep Ocean

Check out a blog post about my viral work on this research expedition which has been posted on the WHOI official blog Deep DOM blog.

We are over halfway through our trip, in both distance and time at sea.  Research is going well and morale is much higher since we crossed the equator.  There are 19 new Shellbacks aboard the R/V Knorr now!

About a week and a half ago we reached our easternmost point of the trip.  Because we have kept the ship on Uruguayan time the sun was rising at about 4:15AM.  As we transit West now, the ship is following sunsets and our evening tracks follow moonlit highways.

Furthest_East_sunriseEasternmost sunrise

We are now approaching our Amazon River Plume stations and I’m looking forward to setting up a few more collaborative experiments and continuing my viral work at sea.

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