
bob cole

As Director of the ‘DLC’ I am involved in a wide range of experiments and projects at the intersection of learning, technology, and community. In addition to providing support for course web tools and platforms such as Moodle, WordPress, Course Hub, and Adobe Connect, I help convene faculty conversations about emerging teaching practices and methods, as well as piloting tools that might further improve the student learning experience, whether face-to-face, hybrid or online.

I grew up in the Monterey Bay area and graduated from the Monterey Institute with a MATESOL degree in 1996. Soon afterwards I developed a passion for teaching community- and project-based ESL as an instructor in the Institute’s Intensive ESL Program, often experimenting with the new ways to integrate the Internet, digital media, and emerging collaboration tools. In addition to teaching, I served as the Director of Intensive English Programs from 2002-2007.

I feel incredibly fortunate to continue be involved in the on-going evolution of the Institute and our dynamic learning community. Possibility abounds here!

Specialties: Curricular & Collaborative Technologies, Instructional Design, ESL, Digital Media, Organizational Development, Design Thinking
