John Tallmadge is an environmental writer and scholar based in Cincinnati OH, where he maintains an independent practice of educational and literary consulting ( He has taught at the Union Institute, Carleton College, the University of Utah, Dartmouth, and Yale, and is the author of Meeting the Tree of Life: A Teacher’s Path (1997) and The Cincinnati Arch: Learning from Nature in the City (2004), as well as numerous articles in magazines and scholarly journals. He has offered Staying Alive faculty development workshops at campuses and conferences since 2007.
CTLR Event Information – Friday March 6th
Session 1: Staying Alive in the Beginning and Warrior Phases of a Career (for junior and term faculty), 12:15 – 1:20, CTLR Learn more and sign up>>
Session 2: Academic Publishing: from leveraging the dissertation to rendering mature work into articles and books(for all ranks) 1:30 – 2:30, CTLR Learn more and sign up>>
Session 3: Staying Vital in the Citizen and Later Phases of a Career: leadership, mentoring, and retirement (for senior faculty) 2:45 – 3:45, CTLR Learn more and sign up>>